Home | Health | Corpse flower blooms attracting visitors to its odious odor

Corpse flower blooms attracting visitors to its odious odor

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image Corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium/Wikipedia

When we think of flowers our thoughts bloom into fragrant fantasies of roses or lilacs that fill a room with pleasant aromas.

Not all flowers fill that fantasy, such as geraniums or marigolds that look good but don’t smell so sweet.

But the champion of stinky flora is the corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, treasured by the Huntington Library in Southern California, where it’s coveted for the putrid stench it emits that reeks of rotting flesh, hence its name. 

Unlike other not-so-sweet smelling flowers there’s no secret about its stench. You don’t have to get nose to bud with it; it reeks from a distance.

"And boy, is it making a stink! The infamous odor of rotting flesh, designed to attract insect pollinators, began to waft from the bloom as soon as it started to unfurl," the library said on its website Friday when it began to bloom.

Because of the rarity of the corpse flower, visitors look forward to its blooming which is as unpredictable as the flower is rare.

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Online Recruitment Conference on 06/08/2010 03:03:14
Though the flower may not benefit as much from the deal, the close relationship between the winged and the blooming beauties is majestically showcased and even visitors are encouraged to have cameras and dressed in light colours so as to attract more butterflies to them and take beautiful pictures.
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r4 sdhc on 06/08/2010 04:21:28
I had read this article and it is so different. It is so true written about flowers. This type of flowers are very rare and great. People often attract with superb and most beautiful flowers.
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micro usb on 06/10/2010 01:55:30
Titan arum had finally mustered up enough energy to put on what Kew is delicately referring to as the 'greatest performance of its life.
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dresses on 06/14/2010 02:58:44
Titan arum had finally mustered up enough energy to put on what Kew is delicately referring to as the 'greatest performance of its life.
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Tiffany jewelry on 06/14/2010 05:44:35
Nature sometimes design some of the things which keeps us wondering about its beauty, color, shape and size. I am a nature lover and always love to take such things into consideration when i find such unique and abstract things.
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mbt trainers on 06/18/2010 03:10:27
I read this article and is so different. It is so real, written in the flowers. I am a lover of nature and always love to take into account these things when I find things unique and abstract.
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microphonesstyle on 06/25/2010 01:58:14
Nature is the funniest! Mystery of nature!
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ximike2151 on 06/25/2010 03:41:34
I nerver heard the flower before.Today i learn a lot .
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Christian Louboutin on 06/28/2010 20:33:39
Nature is fantastic.Nature contains infinite treasures
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manoloblahnikusa on 06/28/2010 21:39:52
Nature is very magic.
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rosettastonestyle on 06/28/2010 21:43:01
Nature sometimes design some of the things which keeps us wondering about its beauty,
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jimmychoomall on 06/28/2010 21:44:21
I am a nature lover and always love to take such things into consideration when i find such unique and abstract things.
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Amelian on 06/30/2010 01:59:53
The corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, treasured by the Huntington Library in Southern California, where it’s coveted for the putrid stench it emits that reeks of rotting flesh, hence its name.Because of the rarity of the corpse flower, visitors look forward to its blooming which is as unpredictable as the flower is rare.
Some flowers are famous with good-looking and sells sweet.But corpse flower is different,it's fame is due to decay.It is rarely seen.
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manoloblahnikusa on 06/30/2010 02:51:47
Some flowers are famous with good-looking and sells sweet.But corpse flower is different,it's fame is due to decay.It is rarely seen.
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GHD on 07/01/2010 00:57:33
I look forward to its blooming which is as unpredictable as the flower is rare.
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fivefingers on 07/01/2010 01:44:08
Because of the rarity of the corpse flower, visitors look forward to its blooming which is as unpredictable as the flower is rare.I like the flower.The flower is rare.It is good!Let me know the rare flowers.Thanks a lot .
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charmingcoach on 07/02/2010 03:25:18
Corpse flower making a stink! The infamous odor of rotting flesh, designed to attract insect pollinators, began to waft from the bloom as soon as it started to unfurl,. That's disgusting, I hate it. I prefer a rose or a lily.
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manolo blahnik on 07/04/2010 20:49:14
Nature is very magic.Feeling that knowledge is endless.
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<a href=http://www.rosettastoneoutlet.com>God's Girl</a> on 07/05/2010 20:01:50
Wow, it is an interesting flower. Is it posted in the book of "Do you know it?" as a kind of flower that can eat people?
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fashionmurdoc on 07/06/2010 00:26:34
I read this article and is so different. It is so real, written in the flowers. I am a lover of nature and always love to take into account these things when I find things unique and abstract.

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chraming christian louboutin on 07/06/2010 03:49:04
The flower looks so common in the picture, but in fact, it is so unique and precious.Nature is so mysterious for things that looked common are usually the most uncommon one.
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chraming christian louboutin on 07/06/2010 03:52:20
The flower looks so common in the picture, but in fact, it is so unique and precious.Nature is so mysterious for things that looked common are usually the most uncommon one.
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Debt Advice on 07/09/2010 20:52:57
I read this article and is so different. It 's so real, written in flowers. I am a lover of nature and always love to take account of these things, when I find things unique and abstract.
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